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Vaccination Services

Prevention is better than Cure

Vaccines Save Live

It's wonderful to hear that Darul Sehat Hospital is collaborating with the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide vaccination facilities for children. This initiative aligns with the principles of "Prevention is better than cure" and underscores the importance of vaccines in saving lives and protecting children from various serious diseases.
Vaccination is a critical component of public health, and it plays a vital role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases that can have severe consequences for individuals and communities. By providing access to vaccines, Darul Sehat Hospital is contributing to the well-being and health of children in the community and helping to ensure that they have a better chance of living healthy lives.

Vaccination Timing

Monday-Saturday 10:00-03:00

EPI Vaccines Non EPI Vaccines
• Polio • Tuberculosis • Diphtheria • Pertussis • Tetanus • H. influenza –B • Meningo Coccus • Hepatitis - B • Measles • Tetnus Toxoid for Women Rota virus • Mumps , Measles , Rubella • Hepatitis –A Typhoid
1-All EPI and non EPI vaccines are given in vaccination centre
2-Private vaccination are not allowed in this hospital
3-EPI vaccines are given free
4-Non EPI Vaccines can be purchased from hospital pharmacy
5-Service charges= Rs.100/only
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